(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Friday, December 30, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra - Too Much Information (Laolu Remix Edit)
Contrary to my natural inclination to finish this year's festive countdown with something state-of-the-nation, politically relevant, poignant, and suitably downbeat, it also seems appropriate to help transport you into a NYE party state of mind by posting an edit of one of 2016's biggest club jams. Which, coincidentally, was released almost a year ago to the day ... roll on 2017.
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Albums of 2016

10. The Leers - Are You Curious?
Yet another of the many great recent things to come out of Auckland's
Red Bull Studios with Ben Lawson's name affixed to it, The Leers' debut album
was a firm favourite across the first half of the year. Are You Curious? was an
absorbing radio-ready blend of indie pop hooks and big slabs of bluesy psychedelia.
My review can be found here.
9. Crystal Castles - Amnesty (I)
Evidently no longer the critical darling he was when Alice Glass was
fronting his unique form of agit-electro-rave on three previous albums, Ethan
Kath returned in 2016 alongside a new vocalist, with a new full-length work,
and thankfully, more of the same. My review is here.
8. Radikal Guru - Dub Mentalist

7. Pacific Heights - The Stillness
Shapeshifter-come-electro-head-bobber Devin Abrams came up with
something personal, intimate, and quite raw (in parts) with The Stillness, yet
it was also polished, accessible, and everything a successful breakout solo
album should be. During a year when local work blasted all preconceived
limitations out of view, The Stillness could quite easily have placed much
higher on this list. My review is here.
6. The Radio Dept - Running Out of Love
On the surface Running Out of Love appeals as a dose of saccharine
Swedish indie pop. Scratch a little beneath that, however, and you’ll find something
much darker buried deep within its slightly rotten core. My review is here.
5. Adrian Sherwood/Various - At The Controls Vol.2 1985-1990
This is another one of those pesky compilation albums that has no place
on a list such as this (see unwritten blog rule 425, clause 1b). Well it would
be, if it wasn’t an On-U Sound compilation, and a collection of prime On-U era
archive material, mixed by label guru and occasional world leading mixologist
Adrian Sherwood. In defiance of the rule, At The Controls v2, also topped one
of the annual lists over at the obviously very learned website, The Quietus. Admittedly
it was a list for rogue releases, oddities, and collections that don’t really
fit in anywhere else. A little bit like Sherwood himself. My review is here.
4. Underworld - Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future

3. Pitch Black - Filtered Senses
See all of the above. Add in a local context. Ahead of the rest,
state-of-the-art, across 20 years. Etc. For me, one of the best Friday mornings
of 2016 was the one when I skyped Paddy Free in New York, and he spoke of Pitch
Black’s accomplishments and getting to do what he loves every day like it was
the most natural thing in the world. Reviewed here for the blog and for NZ
Musician magazine.
2. David Bowie - Blackstar
Only David Bowie could pull this off. What better way to go out than to
do so just two days after releasing an album that positively oozed all things life
and death? Without giving us so much as a hint in advance. I’m still a little spooked
by it. A massive loss, but he left us with an incredible legacy. My review is here.
I told anyone that would listen just how good this was. Every listen felt
like it was turned up an extra notch. As Radiohead continue to astound and
build on an already expansive discography, A Moon Shaped Pool is merely the
latest flawless instalment. In reality, daylight was second. My review is here.
Five Honourable Mentions:
The Average Rap Band album, El Sol, very nearly pipped The Leers for a
place in the final ten, falling just short in the end. It probably just needs
to simmer through another summer.
I thought the Suede album, Night Thoughts, had a lot going for it, in a
very insular and retro kind of way, but it also felt a little bit out of step
with everything else going on in 2016. I remain a Suede devotee and completist.
The also no-longer-particularly-relevant Primal Scream released
something close to an actual synthpop album in the form of Chaosmosis, which
had a few cracker tunes on it. But the feeling I got listening to it, given the
Scream’s cutting edge past, is that cliché commercial pop, in this instance,
might just be the last bastion of the ultimate Nineties scoundrel. Bobby
Gillespie has a lot to answer for, and that vocal is now more irritating than
I know Warpaint’s Heads Up got a lot of love elsewhere, with good
reason, and I did enjoy it, I just didn’t find myself wanting to go back for
fourths, fifths, or a sixth listen. Even though I understand that’s probably
exactly what I needed to do.
My guilty pleasure quota was sated by the music of Icelandic
blues-rockers Kaleo, and their album A/B, which arrived somewhere out of left field
and was an album I wouldn’t *normally* find myself listening to.
Some other end-of-year gongs (“the EGGs”):
EP or short album of the year was Yoko-Zuna’s Luminols, five quite diverse
and distinct tunes, with the Tom Scott collab, ‘Orchard St’, going on to become
a big pod favourite.
Reissue of the year was Jack White’s Acoustic Recordings 1998-2016,
because I’m a big White fan, and cos I like the idea of putting some of this
stuff together, where it wouldn’t ordinarily be automatically compatible by
default. And because, if for no other reason, the stripped back bluegrass
version of The Raconteurs’ ‘Top Yourself’ blows me away every time I hear it. White’s
release was pushed closely by two deluxe/expanded releases: the 40th
anniversary issue of The Ramones’ 1976 debut, which became a triple disc featuring
demos and live takes, and Pure McCartney, which was another scarcely needed yet
still strangely compelling post-Beatles career overview from his nibs. There
was also the small matter of Michael Jackson’s Off The Wall getting a deluxe
Freebie or exceptional name-your-price release of the year: as found on
Bandcamp, toss a coin and choose between Adi Shankara’s dark and dense
Structures, or the Auckland-based Peach Milk, with her delicious Finally EP.
The everythingsgonegreen gig of the year was Tami Neilson’s San Fran
(Wellington) set from way back in March. Thoroughly polished and professional,
great company, and a brilliant vibe on the night.

And while I’m sorely tempted to use the last paragraph of this post to
launch into an opinionated rant about global politics - Aleppo, terrorism, the
global refugee crisis, Brexit, Trump, and the rise of the xenophobic Right in
general - I’ll spare you …
Be gone 2016 ... watch your arse on the way out.
Monday, December 26, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: James Vincent McMorrow - Get Low
Merry Festivities, boxing day hiccups, and thanks for reading in 2016.
We're nearly there, the penultimate tune of this year's dozen belongs to Irish folkie James Vincent McMorrow, with 'Get Low' ...
"I love the way your heart had no rules, loving what your heart becomes, even when you smile, you're still cruel ..."
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
We're nearly there, the penultimate tune of this year's dozen belongs to Irish folkie James Vincent McMorrow, with 'Get Low' ...
"I love the way your heart had no rules, loving what your heart becomes, even when you smile, you're still cruel ..."
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Saturday, December 17, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: The Radio Dept. - We Got Game
Sometimes it's the simple little things. Understated low key album tracks with cunning hooks. Extracts lifted from otherwise barely noticed albums. In this case, it's 'We Got Game', a stand-out track from Running Out of Love, the rather good 2016 album by Swedish indie-popsters The Radio Dept ... a tune that appears to owe a massive debt to the early Detroit techno stylings of Inner City producer Kevin Saunderson. You decide.
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Album Review: Average Rap Band - El Sol (2016)

Then again, if you're looking for timeliness and relevance, you'd hardly come to everythingsgonegreen for the good oil, would you?
I hope not ...
So anyway, the 11-track El Sol is the first upsized album release for ex
@peaceniks Tom Scott and Lui Tuiasau, as the Average Rap Band. It’s a follow-up
to last year’s well-received Stream of Nonsenseness EP, and as you’d expect
from this pair, it’s yet another state-of-the-art benchmarking album for the
local hip hop scene.
I don't think it's too much of a stretch to call this "local"?
Even though Scott and Tuiasau are now based in Melbourne, and not Auckland,
where they previously made a big noise as part of the critically acclaimed
@peace, and prior to that, as part of the wider Home Brew crew.
Those former projects tagged Scott and Tuiasau as massively talented
wordsmiths. Masters of rhyme, and students of flow, each man possessing an
uncanny ability to turn even the most mundane routine observation into
something resembling an existential vision. It isn't just about being clever
and wordy, it's also about timing and having the delivery to ensure those words
have maximum impact.
El Sol is packed full of such seemingly throwaway (but not really)
moments, and the duo's attention to detail when it comes to straight up
storytelling is a pivotal element here. As is the sense of place present in
each tune - helped by a clear commitment to telling these tales in unashamedly
authentic "Kiwi" accents, rather than falling into the common (and
often cringeworthy) trap of seeking to imitate our American brethren.
Musically, it draws from a relatively broad base and these narratives are
underpinned by a variety of funky beats - from 80s style Jam &
Lewis-flecked slow-jams to replica G-Funk styles. Even where the subject matter
veers toward the serious, the vibe underneath it all seldom deviates from summery
and relaxed. It all tends to blend together seamlessly, and in production
terms, nothing ever feels out of place or rushed.
Highlights include the sublime 'Pool Side' (a Tuiasau stand-out moment),
the humorous 'Pizza Man', and the great-ball-in-the-sky worshipping title
Ps. All things considered, I guess that’s a favourable review for someone
who struggles with post-1990 hip hop. But I also picked up new work from past heroes like De La
Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, and Common, during 2016, and I struggled with each
one of those albums. Yet, stuff like El Sol, plus new EPs from the home-schooled likes of
Raiza Biza and Yoko-Zuna were impressive this year, and it’s clear, despite a sense
of default cynicism, hip hop from this corner of the globe is currently flying
a steep upward trajectory …
Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: Radiohead - Burn The Witch
As boring and as cliché as it undoubtedly is, I'm going to find it very difficult to go past Radiohead's A Moon Shaped Pool for everythingsgonegreen's (much coveted!) album of the year. (The album isn't boring but I suspect my selection is predictable). That decision still hangs in the balance, and I'll probably end up making a definitive call while consuming a few too many fizzy drinks over the upcoming festive season. But in the meantime there's this, the strings-heavy 'Burn The Witch', one of two advance singles from back in May, a leftover from the Kid A sessions, and a rather deserving Grammy nominee for Best Rock Song of 2016. Enjoy the slightly disturbing Wicker Man-themed clip:
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
The Festive Dozen 2016: Earth Wind & Fire - Boogie Wonderland (LNTG Muscle Mix)
I know this is a 2016 list, but it's also a reflection of your blogger's pod activity across the year, and it wouldn't be an honest everythingsgonegreen list unless it contained a large element of all things retro. And so we celebrate a little bit of Earth Wind & Fire and Maurice White (R.I.P.), who we lost to the great Boogie Wonderland in the sky back in February. Presumably for a rendezvous in the Legends Lounge with Bowie, Prince, Ali, and the many others who left us during the year. This clip also gives me the chance to showcase the remix/edit work of Late Nite Tuff Guy, a master of housing up funk flavours from yester-year, and another post-production genius to figure prominently on my playlists throughout 2016:
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Matrix Downloaded 006
In keeping with
recent themes, here’s another name-your-price Bandcamp compilation featuring a
raft of Euro-centric EBM (and/or EDM), industrial, and electro pop tunes. All at the darker
end of the spectrum. Almost a year on since the last volume in this well
regarded compilation series was released, Belgium-based label Alfa Matrix has issued
Matrix Downloaded volume six. Again, with 45 tracks on offer here, the quality
is variable, and a pick’n mix approach is perhaps best advised ... enjoy.
Here’s a
snippet from the label’s own online blurb:
“A 200 minute-plus compilation that
reflects the label’s music repertoire and impressive artist roster in the
full-force of its diversity also reminding us that ALFA MATRIX is one of the
very few indie electro labels who still dare to scout new talents and to inject
new blood into the scene while others would definitely choose to sleep on their
laurels while focusing on their sure values of established bands.
Absolutely the perfect way for ALFA MATRIX to
close their 15th year of existence – some 15 years of non-stop heavy sonic
propaganda on the underground electronic music front with their impressive army
of artists! The ultimate collection of scene famous and established artists
featured next to rising new talents and stunning new discoveries… Since 2001,
ALFA MATRIX has been offering to you electronic music with attitude… EBM, synth
pop, industrial, electronic, indie rock, nu electro, dark elektro, avant-garde,
goth metal, wave, techno house: you get it all!”
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: Pitch Black - Circuit Bent
Pitch Black
occupy a relatively unique place in the wider pantheon of New Zealand
electronic music production. Nobody else comes close to matching the duo’s
heady brand of electro dub across five flawless albums, and the same can be
said about their extraordinary longevity within a genre that tends to date
music a hell of a lot quicker than just about any other. 2016 saw Mike
Hodgson and Paddy Free celebrate 20 years of working together, and part of that
– upcoming extensive tour notwithstanding – was to release yet another
state-of-the-art masterpiece in the form of (album) Filtered Senses. The
advance single release from that work was the rather aptly-titled ‘Circuit Bent’,
which was a firm favourite long before I finally got to hear the whole set.
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Sunday, December 4, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: Guts - And The Living Is Easy (RocknRolla Soundsystem Edit)
Released mid-2016, during the northern hemisphere summer, this edit is
great on so many levels. French hip hop producer Guts provides the beats that underpin
an infectious little vocal loop from (Chess Records legend) Billy Stewart’s
1966 version of the much-covered soul/jazz classic ‘Summertime’. Which is then
given a further spit and polish makeover by the prolific RocknRolla Soundsystem ...
the end result being something close to genius.
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Face The Beat v4.0

Mostly that means music downloads, and this case, it's the 4th edition of (Belgium-based) Side-Line Magazine's Face The Beat compilation series. One that focuses on artists - mostly European, many of them unsigned - of the post-punk, industrial, goth, EBM, and synthpop persuasions.
This edition is a whopper, featuring some 92 tracks, and while not all will appeal, as is to be expected with a release of this nature and expanse, it's well worth having a listen and perhaps adopting a pick’n mix approach to saving and deleting some of these files.
That said, there's some really great stuff to be found here, and highlights include tracks by Elektroklange, Chrysanth, Psy’Aviah, Novo, Antibody, Charlie Jackson, ARS, Omnivar, and Electrogenic. Which is more than enough to be getting on with.
Oh, and where I say (up there) that it's "free", please consider offering a small donation if you do decide to grab a download, as all proceeds from this series go to charity projects - on this occasion, money is being raised specifically to assist a hospital in Mexico. You might also wish to have a scout around the magazine's Bandcamp page, or check out earlier volumes in the series, dating back some five years.
You're welcome ... let's catch up for lunch soon, huh?
Friday, December 2, 2016
The Festive Dozen 2016: Luxxury - Breathe
is partial to the odd morsel of delicious disco on occasion, right?
it’s under the guise of deep house, nu disco, or an even more distant cousin
like melodic techno, it’s essentially the same thing – music to buckle the
knees and have you involuntarily gravitating towards the dancefloor. You know
it’s wrong, but it just feels right. Well, sort of. It may seem less “right”
to any innocent on-looker. Or perhaps that’s just me, still afflicted with an irrepressible
side effect from ‘70s childhood conditioning.
A firm current
favourite under the disco ball lights and on the kitchen tiles here at Chez everythingsgonegreen
is funked-up throwback producer Luxxury, or the artist formerly known as Baron
Von Luxxury, a purveyor of some of the finest retro sounds out there. ‘Breathe’
is one such 2016 trip, a tune to take you somewhere far away from the daily
grind, even though it doesn’t really go anywhere in particular …
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
(The Festive Dozen is a fairly randomly selected year-end collection of clips featuring the tunes which featured most prominently on the (generally pop-loving) iPod playlists of everythingsgonegreen at various stages throughout 2016) ...
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